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Mathur, V. K.

  • Trace Fossils from Cambrian Tal Formation, Himachal Lesser Himalaya, India, and their Stratigraphic Significance

  • Discovery of Redlichid Trilobites from the Arenaceous Member of the Tal Formation, Garhwal Syncline, Lesser Himalaya, India

  • Record of Redlichiid Trilobite from tbe Lower Cambrian Tal Formation, Mussoorie Syncline, Lesser Himalaya, India

  • Ediacaran Medusoids from the Krol formation, Naini Tal Syncline, Lesser Himalaya

  • Systematics and Significance of Microbialite (Stromatolite) Stratifera undata from Mussoorie Syncline, Lesser Himalaya

  • Additional Terminal Proterozoic Organic-Walled Microfossils from the Infra-krol formation, Nainital Syncline, Lesser Himalaya, Uttaranchal

  • Early Cambrian Ichnofossils and Lnarticulate Brachiopods from the Tal Group, Sirmaur District, Himachal Lesser Himalaya, India

  • Record of Tissue Grade Colonial Eucaryote and Microbial Mat Associated with Ediacaran Fossfls in Krol Group, Garhwal Syncline, Lesser Himalaya, Uttaranchal

  • Ediacaran Biota from the Jarashi (Middle Krol) and Mahi (Lower Krol) Formations, Krol Group, Lesser Himalaya, India

  • Record of Terminal Neoproterozoic Ediacaran Fossils from Krol Group, Nigalidhar Syncline, Sirmaur District, Himachal Pradesh, India

  • First Record of Ediacaran Fossils from the Krol Formation of Naini Tal Syncline

  • Record of Cretaceous Biota from Shell Limestone (Nilkanth Formation), Mussoorie Syncline, Lesser Himalaya, India

  • Discovery of Animal Eggs and Embryos from the Ediacaran (Terminal Proterozoic) Chambaghat Formation, Krol Group, Himachal Lesser Himalaya